Welcome to this participatory process, which we have launched to help draft the UOC's 2018-2020 Communications Plan, to support achievement of the priorities laid out in our Strategic Plan. It also addresses the communications needs that were highlighted in a preliminary participatory process that involved almost 150 people from the UOC. The plan has been approved by the Executive Board and was presented at the last Strategic Committee meeting. Now we are embarking on a second participatory process that involves our whole organization.

The participatory process will be up and running from 24 October until 21 November 2018. The idea is for you to learn about the plan and get involved, contributing ideas and suggestions to help bring about the different planned actions. We will pass all of your ideas and suggestions to the people and teams in charge of the planned actions.

Learn about the Plan and help make it happen!

How does the participatory process work?

1. Read, prioritize, and speak your mind. In each of the four sub-plans (brand story, organizational culture, talent, and reputation and projection) you can see the different actions that have been planned. For each sub-plan, highlight three actions and rank them first, second and third in terms of overall importance. Use the form to suggest ways to accomplish the actions. Your ideas will then be seen by your colleagues.

2. Read and comment. Look at the ideas colleagues have sent and make comments. Collaboration is a sure-fire way to help new ideas evolve.

3. Help make it happen. Contribute towards implementation of the actions, making suggestions that could be of use to the people directly responsible for them.